Student: Teacher! Your hair! Cut!
Me: Yes, I cut my hair.
Student: You look like Christine Stewart.
Me: *Thinks for a minute who Christine Stewart is and then realises she means Kristen Stewart from Twilight. In high pitched voice of disbelief* Really?!
Students around student: *Nod in unison*

Apparently my haircut is approved of.


Me: *Pointing to a picture of a boy running across the street at a red light* What is happening in the picture.
Student: The boy dies.


Practicing sentences to say over the phone
Me: What can you say instead of: "I'm sorry. She's not at home."
Student 1: She's not here.
Student 2: She's at a club.
Student 3: She's dead.


Me: *Pointing at a picture of two children throwing bottles at monkeys* What are they doing?
Student: They are drunk!


Favourite student: *Calling me over to his desk* Teacher, when was Grant back to South Africa?
Me: Two months ago!
Favourite student: Wow. When will he come back Korea?
Me: He isn't coming back.
Favourite student: *Look of confusion*
Me: I am going back to South Africa.
Favourite student: *Look of confusion replaced with look of horror* When?
Me: In four months.
Favourite student: *Cue mini-tantrum involving arms thrown up in the air and head slammed on desk.*


Favourite student: You remember summer class?
Me: Yes.
Favourite student: Same in Winter?
Me: Maybe
Favourite student: YES! *Cue mini jump and elbow thrust followed by an "assa" (meaning awesome) as he walks down the corridor*

Yes. The last two did actually happen, yes they were the same student, and yes this student was the one who approached me on my way to Chungdae on the weekend and stared at me in disbelief. (Check the last wisdom post for this account)
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