I want a puppy. And a kitten. And a hamster and a bunny and a turtle and a hedgehog and a brightly coloured fish and a baby otter. But mostly a puppy and a kitten. And going to the pet store to look at them doesn't really satisfy my need for them. In fact, going to the pet stores only makes it worse.

I met up with Kate after school today. The intention was just to meet up for dinner, which we did (Kraze Burger ftw!) But then Kate mentioned that she wanted to go and find some dog food so that she will be prepared for her new little housemate when it arrives on Sunday. How could I say no to the prospect of fluffy creatures? I must learn how to.

Three hours later and I walked away from the last pet shop on the stretch of pet shops in Cheongju, vowing that I was going to convince Grant to adopt a white kitten (so that it could grow up to cuddle with Puddims and look cuter than anything on earth), convince Mom to adopt a grey Persian as well as a bulldog (who looked just like Baggins, but whose head was too big for his little legs, so he kept toppling over his feet) and convince myself that keeping a pet in Korea could be a genius idea. Not that I need much convincing. I know that it's a bad idea, terrible in fact, but the cute factor is always going to win out for me, and having kittens playing with my hands and puppies vying for my attention (and seeing hamsters run around in circles on the wheel and watching videos of baby otters... you get the idea) eats away at my determination.

I have made a decision though, and it is one that I do intend to stick to - if a puppy or kitten follows me home (and by follows me home, I mean follows me for more than two blocks), then it is mine and I am taking it and keeping it forever and ever! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! But in all seriousness - if I find a stray, I will take it as some sort of sign and take it in. But I am not going to go out of my way to find myself a pet, at least not while I am here.
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