I have always seen myself as a bit of an undiscovered singer. I have been told a couple of times that my voice isn't bad and that I should try out for shows like Idols. Which I did once, only to be turned down in the first wave of contestants, the ones who don't even make it to the judges. A humilation that I try to forget, and that not many people know about. But despite my embarrassing thumbs down from the Idols people, I still like to sing. A lot. When I used to drive the ten hour road trips between Cape Town and Grahamstown alone, I would always have music blaring and I would be belting along with it, dancing in my seat and singing my heart out. Whenever there is a karaoke evening, I am always there, singing at least one song. And now that I am in Korea, I have discovered the joy that is the noribang or singing room.

For 21,000 won (or there abouts, depending on the place) split between however many people are taking part, you can rent yourself a room for an hour equipped with a very big TV, two microphones, luxurious couches, a karaoke machine and controller and an assortment of disco/rave/dancing lights (again, this will depend on the place that you choose as they all differ in terms of what they have to offer.) You and your friends can then have your own private karaoke party, belting out anything from the list that your particular noribang has to offer and making fools out of yourselves. Or, in my case, indulging your desire to be the rockstar you know you were meant to be.

I have been to noribangs a couple of times in the four months that I have been to, and I have always had a good time, but I don't think any were as good as last night's session with Dawn and Shaina. Crooning along to Killing me softly, I will always love you and If I were a boy; putting on our own performance of Bohemian Rhapsody, bouncing along to Grace Kelly, screaming at the top of my lungs for Song 2 and moving my hips to Maria Maria were among the most memorable moments of the night. But what makes it so fantastic is that we were all joining in. None of us cared that we were acting like idiots, making fools of ourselves, most likely losing our voices in the process. All that we cared about was that we were all having a great time, and that's what really mattered. We left the noribang somewhere around 1:30am, and I was exhausted. But despite that, I couldn't stop the thought running through my mind that I could have stayed up for another hour singing along to the other tunes on the list and making a mental note of ones that I will have to do the next time around.
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