So, as teenage-girly as it is, I am a fan of Twilight. I am not a crazed fan who goes nuts over the show, but I like it. I find it entertaining to watch Jacob with his shirt off, there is not denying that, and I have read all of the books and found them to be entertaining as well. They aren't particularly well written and they aren't award winning stuff, but they are definitely riveting enough. Stephanie Meyer does know how to keep a reader, and the directors of the movie do know how to keep an audience.

Anywho, tonight was the release of the Eclipse movie in South Korea. And so, in celebration of this event, some friends of mine decided to get together and celebrate. To start, Shaina and I got together and made t-shirts. There were supposed to be more of us involved in this, but most of the friends who were coming work in hagwons, and didn't get off work until 7:30 or 8:30 at night. And so, the two of us got some paint and painted some white t-shirts. Here is mine:

After the shirt painting, we all met up for a nice meal at Kraze burger and had a good time chatting and catching up before heading to the movie. Which was fun. The main point of this blog is actually the shirt. See above. How awesome am I? Yeah. That awesome.
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