I want to issue a warning to all of my fellow Cheongjuers and Yongam-dongers.


You may have seen her around and thought that she looked nice, but do not let her smile and Australian accent deceive you. Beneath that pretty, friendly exterior lies the skill of a samurai warrior and the stealth of a ninja.

You see, she would have you believe that she hates snow, wants nothing at all to do with it or any of the activities that come with it - in particular, she does not want to build a snowman, make snow angels or have a snow fight. And she will lull you into this false sense of security until, one night, when she invites you to have dinner with her, she will pounce like a tiger.

This is not a warning. This girl is DANGEROUS! Even with a left-handed throw (though she herself is right-handed) she will attack with precision and never miss her target. In my case, she was not aiming to kill, but merely to maim. Thus, the snowball that was so deftly thrown was timed so that my eyes would be closed when the icy weapon of her choice collided with my face.

If you see her, I highly recommend hitting her first before she has a chance to try her skills on you.
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