I have been seriously lax over the last few weeks with my blogging responsibilities, and I do apologise for that. There is at least one reason why - I have been in Thailand for the last five days, so I haven't had much of a chance to update my blog. However, I intend to catch everything up over the next few days since I do have more free time than usual what with not working this week and all. But I suppose I should start off with the most obvious blog post - HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Yes, it is a little late, and as much as I am now completely tempted to copy my friend Chanel and post a slideshow of pictures from the year, I feel like there are too many to count, and instead I am going to post a short list of resolutions that I have made for this year. Some of them are what you would expect, some of them are going to be incredibly difficult and some of them I am not sure that I can do at all, but I am certainly going to try. So here are my Resolutions for 2011:
  1. Lose 5kgs.
    Since coming to Korea, I have managed to lose a rather substantial amount of weight and, more amazingly, have managed to keep it off! But, I still cannot help looking in the mirror and seeing the extra weight that I have, so I feel that losing 5kgs can certainly not hurt.

  2. Go to Taekwondo more often.
    I feel that this resolution goes hand in hand with number one, as one of the ways to lose weight would of course be getting some exercise. I have been a bit lax with going to the classes recently, what with the weather getting colder and me now being the only person taking the lessons. I am hoping to at least get my green belt before I leave Korea.

  3. Blog at least three times a week.
    Blogging is another thing that I have been getting lax about. Of course, there are some excuses like my being in Thailand without a computer, but overall, I feel that I must start blogging more often. I feel that three times a week is the least I can do.

  4. Stop shopping!
    One of the biggest worries that I have on my mind at the moment is how I am going to get home with all of my stuff. What makes this problem worse is that I keep buying more stuff that I want to take home with me! As it is, I am not sure that I will be able to fit everything into the 30kgs that any airline would allow me, and yet I keep going. So, no more shopping for me (or as little as possible!)

  5. Save money.
    Once again, I feel this goes very well with the one before - I need to save money, and one of the ways to do that would be spending less money shopping. Another way would be to take busses instead of taxis, which I have been doing more of recently, another would be deciding not to go on the trip to China, which is a slightly more difficult decision to make.

  6. Learn to play the guitar.
    I have a guitar. It is sitting in the corner of my room gathering dust as I write this, and I know a little bit about how to play it, but I really want to learn more and get motivated to play it more. Perfect motivation would be finding myself a guitar instructor, and I feel that I may make more of an effort to do this once I return home and have a little more spare time on my hands.

  7. Look on the bright side.
    I am not a positive person. I always see the glass as being half empty, always focus on the things that I don't have rather than the things that I do and always think of what could go wrong rather than thinking of what has gone right. I need to stop doing this, and I know that I do, but actually doing it is going to be hard. I am a stresser and a worrier and I always have been. Changing something that you have done all of your life is never going to be easy, but at least I have friends and family to support me through it, and that is certainly something to be very grateful for.

  8. Don't hold grudges.
    Awhile ago, I was told that it takes a lot for me to forgive someone, and I think that is something that needs to change. I need to just let things go and accept that not everything is going to work out for the best.

  9. Remove unnecessary things from my life.
    At the same time though, I need to realise that not everything that is in my life is necessary and I need to literally let things go as well as figuratively. From the clothes that I need to abandon in Korea even though I still love them, to the stress that comes with a job I hate, to the people who make me upset and uncomfortable, I need to remove unnecessary things from my life in order to just be happy with myself and the way that things are.

  10. Be less moody.
    This is another of the things that will be hard to do. I am a moody person, and it is, quite literally, in my blood. There are some things that I cannot overcome - I will always have a hormonal disorder, and there is nothing that can be done to change that. But the way that I act can change. I can realise when I am being moody and remove myself so that my emotions don't get in anyone else's way. I can realise when it is going to start and apologise in advance. And I can try to make the happiness last longer by just staying on my meds (which should be a lot easier now that I have confronted my fear and had my blood taken.)
These are my aims for 2011. I realise that some of them are more realistic than others, I realise that a lot of them will never be achieved. But I also know that by making this list, I have realised some flaws in myself, and I think that is a big step to achieving my goals. Good luck to everyone for the year ahead and may 2011 bring you everything that you wish for and more!
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