I was disappointed when I left my apartment this morning. Seriously, seriously disappointed. See, after getting up, cleaned, dressed and made up, I spent the last ten minutes of my morning stay-in (I always leave sometime between 8:10 and 8:15) looking at Facebook. My anticipation had been mounting as my friends were posting pictures and statuses about the wonderful snowfall. I grabbed my camera on the way out, assuming that photos would need to be taken, and then I got outside and looked around the grey world. There was no snow. There was just the same grey street, grey buildings and grey sky that I have been looking at for days.

And then I felt something cold on my cheek (and for once it wasn't the wind). I looked up to see the white flakes sprinkling down. They weren't coming down very often, but they were coming. As I walked to school, they started coming down faster until I didn't have to squint to see them - they were surrounding me. The students passing me must have thought that I was utterly crazy - I could feel this giant smile plastered on my face and was even occasionally reaching out a hand into the ridiculous cold to catch pieces of ice on my fingertips. I swear, if I had been alone, I would have done a little spin and opened my mouth wide to try and catch the glorious snow and feel it melt on my tongue. But I wasn't alone. So I restrained myself.

I got to school and within minutes of arriving, the snow started coming down in layers, covering the trees and playground and all of the cars outside. I took advantage of my class-less morning and opted for running downstairs with my camera and snapping some shots (which I will add to this post later) before it was all over. And then I came back into the warm staffroom, sat at my desk, logged on facebook, and saw all the snowhaters.

"Snow is overrated," one announced.
Another couldn't wait to go home and escape the "big dandruffy clumps of wet yuk".
A third was succinct and to the point - "I hate snow!"
I read these statuses and they made me sad. How could anyone hate this magical substance that made me so happy? And then I thought about it a little and read a couple of blogs and realised that the wonderful substance was also really cold and really slippery and just generally really annoying for a large number of people. Since I have yet to slip on snow and have yet to experience the annoyingness of it, the experience has not yet been ruined for me. But for many others who have had to deal with it for years, snow is just another thing they would rather avoid.

To me, now that it is getting oh so very cold (like freezing, well below 0'C kind of cold), the snow makes it just that more bearable. If the snow wasn't here, it would still be this cold and there would be absolutely nothing to look forward to. At least if it is going to be freezing, there should be something making the world uber pretty and bright and wonderful. So yay snow! I can't see anything ruining you for me anytime soon. Unless I slip. Please don't make me slip. Thank you :)
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