This is my last week of official teaching. After this, there are still two weeks of winter camp to endure, but they are two weeks away and involve arriving at work around 1:30 and leaving before 4. After that I can expect to do a little bit of deskwarming, but other than that, my days of teaching 5-6 classes in a day are over!! Because the kids have already written exams, this week's lesson had to be one of my own choosing, and since the Christmas spirit is upon me, I decided to do a Christmas quiz with them. I found the perfect one on waygook and they absolutely love it! Of course, there were some gems of answers that came up over the course of the week, and I thought I would share them with you.

What kind of animal is Rudolph?
Student: A dog.
Student: A horse.
Student: A red nose.
(Please note that they were humming the song all along while they were saying these answers, so its not like they had any excuse really.)

Where does Santa live?
Student: Finland.
(Please note this is after the two choices of The North Pole and The South Pole have come up.)

What does 'merry' mean?
Student: Jesus' mother!

What does Santa ride on (with an arrow pointing to his sleigh, though I accepted sled.)
Student: Car! Snow car! Sports car!
Student: Snowboard.
Student: Skis.
Student: Rudolph.

Who helps Santa to make toys?
Student: His wife!
Student: His girlfriend!
Student: His grandmother!
Student: Children!

Anyway, after the lesson is over and I have handed the sweets to the winning team, I take a minute to let them know that this was the last lesson I was teaching them and that I would miss them all. This came as such a shock to the students in the first few classes who weren't expecting it at all, but I think that by now the news has spread. Today I have received four letters from students telling me how much they love me and are going to miss me. Sometimes the English is pretty bad, sometimes it's perfect, but you know what? Most of the time its not the language that matters, it's the sentiment, and that is definitely there! I will be taking some pictures of the notes and putting them up in a couple of days.
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