When I first arrived here, I marvelled at how fast I was losing weight - ten kilograms in two months! A real achievement for me! Yesterday I weighed myself for the first time in a while and was sad to discover that almost five of those ten kilos have returned. There was no need to marvel. I know exactly where the weight has come from.

Grant's visit brought with it a month of indulging and his leaving brought on the comfort eating that always seems to come with my depression. In addition to eating all the wrong kinds of foods, I have lost my thyroid medication and haven't had time to go and refill it yet. I have still been walking, possibly more than I was before with all of my photography walks - I even choose to walk rather than taxi to Jess's place 90% of the time which I never used to do - but I don't think that it is enough to boost my metabolism into the hyper-drive that it needs.

So what is my plan of action?
No more junk food for a start! No more of the Pringles and sweeties that have been gracing my room with their presence over the last month or so. No more unhealthy take out! Part of the problem with this is that I cannot bring myself to cook in my kitchen - something about the preparing, cooking, cleaning and storing for a future meal that I never eat is not appealing to me and just the thought of cooking for myself is enough to make me want to sleep. In addition, cooking for one here is expensive, especially when I hardly ever eat the leftovers on time. What do I plan to do about this? Well, I am not planning on cutting eating out from my diet completely, but I am planning on cutting out the unhealthy stuff - the Western food, the carbs. I will flood my system with Korean foods (hopefully the healthier kinds) like plain gimbap and the occasional kalmegi. When I am not eating out, I plan to keep some raw foods in the house - carrots, cucumbers, celery (if I can find it), tuna - things that do not need too much cooking and can just be cut up and eaten in a fix.

I am going to try and get to the chemist today to get more of my thyroid meds and hopefully my medical aid will cover them else I am going to be looking at a huge bill. I am not sure whether the medical aid will cover them because they already covered the last bottle that I got just over a month ago, which was supposed to last for three months. If I could find the little pill bag, it would be helpful, but it has disappeared into the world of lost socks, never to be found again it would seem.

As for the exercise, I am starting a Taekwondo class tonight - an hour a night, five nights a week. Hopefully this will kick my ass into gear and get me losing weight once again. Here's holding thumbs :)
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